Federal Work Study Eligibility
The student must:
- Demonstrate financial need as determined by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (Financial Aid).
- Be fully admitted as a degree-seeking student in a program at ISU.
- Be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours.
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards.
- Be a U.S. Citizen or eligible non-citizen.
- Not be in default on an educational loan or owe an overpayment on a federal education grant, or other federal debt, or has made satisfactory arrangements to repay that debt.
Based on the results of the FAFSA, eligible students are offered an allotment that may be earned through part-time employment in FWS approved positions.
Note: Students earn their Federal Work Study funding by getting a job and working their assigned hours per week. Work Study students are paid through direct deposit. Work Study earnings do not apply to the student's university charges. Students are strongly encouraged to begin the job search early. Popular Federal Work Study positions are highly sought after and tend to be filled quickly.
Rights and Responsibilities
By accepting a FWS position, students become members of a department or agency that depends on them. Students should report to work on time, notify the supervisor when they will be late or absent, and dress appropriately for the work location (dress code should be discussed during the interview). When asking for time off, students should consider the employer's needs as well as their own. In addition, some FWS positions may require access to confidential information. Abuse or misuse of such authorization is grounds for dismissal and other disciplinary actions.
If a problem develops on the job, the first point of contact should be the supervisor. If the problem cannot be resolved, the student should contact the Student Employment office. Quitting a FWS job should be a decision of last resort. There is no guarantee that the Work Study alotment can be replaced with another type of aid or that the student can secure another FWS position. Failure to follow expected policies and regulations may result in the cancellation of their Work Study offer and the loss of their Work Study position. Acceptance of a position through Work Study implies a commitment to the employer for at least one semester or the time agreed upon during the interview process.
Every work environment is different therefore make sure you are following the policies and procedures set forth by your department.
Attendance and punctuality. Attendance and punctuality are critical to one's overall success in the workplace. You are expected to arrive on time each day that you work. When assessing your availability make sure to account for travel time to and from work. After a work schedule is set for you be sure to stick to your work schedule. Your employer relies on your more than you know. Should you have to call in for any reason always try to speak to your supervisor directly first and call at least 30 minutes before the start of your shift. Do not allow friends or family to call in for you unless you physically cannot make the call.
If something unexpected happens that will cause you to be late, provide as much advance notice as possible, and even call if you are uncertain if you are going to be late. It is better to call and arrive on time than it is to not call and arrive late. When you need to request time off from work, provide at least a two-day notice and try to arrange for a replacement if that possible and acceptable in your department.
If you become ill or need to respond to an emergency while you are working, immediately notify your supervisor or their designee.
Attire. Check in with your supervisor to see if there is a dress code for student employees. Here are a few guidelines to remember:
- All clothing should be clean, fit properly, and in good condition.
- "Pajama" pants are not acceptable for the workplace.
- Shorts, if allowed by your department should be fingertip length or longer. They should not be made of spandex or fit tightly.
- Pants and shorts should be worn at the waistline.
- Shirts should be tucked in.
- Apparel with the logo or name of other universities is not acceptable.
- Name badges, if provided, should be worn on the right-hand side of one's shirt.